Or rather specifically stated, who the e-poets network is not... Some comments on the basic matter of whois the e-poets network, and the known value of our name.
A reprint of a speech given at the Boston Public Library in 2001, by Kurt Heintz, addressing the issues of the Digital Divide, orality, cultural ecumenicalism, and the American griot heritage.
Transcript of an address by Kurt Heintz to friends and family who gathered at Beyond Baroque in Venice, California in March 2007, to celebrate the life of poet and media arts pioneer Merilene Murphy.
Fortner Anderson pays a call on a small festival in a red schoolhouse in green fields. Among the rural cottages north of Toronto, poets meet and perform for intimate audiences.
A lot of people say they've been around as poets, but how do you know? Jason Davis suggests something that has potential not only to solidify poets' street cred', but encourage more diverse listening and participation in open mics.