The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs sponsored an annualpoetry slam all its own as part of its Sister Cities program.The Sister Cities program is a mission to build culturalties from Chicago directly to other cities around the globe,bypassing the levels of nation and state. The winner of theSister Cities competition acts as poetic and culturalambassador to the designated city for the given year, andthey are sent on an all-expense-paid trip to thatdestination to perform their poem.The following are the Sister Cities poets, theirdestinations, and titles of their poems. - 1990 - Osaka, Japan
- Patricia Smith
- The Awakening
- 1991 - Prague, Czech Republic
- Cindy Salach
- You have the right NOT to remain silent
- 1992 - Mexico City, Mexico
- Raul Niño
- Son of La Maliche
- 1993 - Warsaw, Poland
- Edward Pinkowski
- Katarzyna
- 1994 - Accra, Ghana
- Tyehimba Jess
- election day: u.s. of a. - u. of s.a.
Information courtesy Mona Wu, Chicago Sister Cities,Department of Cultural Affairs.
copyright (c) 1996 Kurt Heintz