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Support the e-poets network

Visible means of support is funded privately, mostly from my own pocket, but also with the occasional support of individuals, either through gate receipts at performances, or through donations of time and labor, money, material, or services.

Visible (and audible) results
The renders a very real service: sharing language, arts and culture -- straight up and undiluted -- with the rest of the world through electronic media. The site creates a base for literary criticism. It encourages aural literacy. Our work has supported graduate dissertations, poetry workshops in colleges and highschools, and thousands of individuals merely seeking something better than vanity culture in their online poetry. We engage, entertain, and educate. And we aim to stick around.

In so far as communication begets community, our website and videoconferencing events give the public a chance to identify and self-educate with others, particularly along issues of cultural awareness. I know this, because I've been a producer in this arena since 1993. Two-way video is the single strongest force I've seen that builds a cosmopolitan consciousness. But that said, it's also a strong force for highlighting one's local values and customs, a way to focus upon what makes one's place unique in all the world, and why it should be valued.

The visible difference you make
I don't make money at this enterprise, nor do I really expect to make money. (Though it would be nice to have this at least pay its own way!) This is poetry, one of the least capitalized sectors of the arts community. That makes any support extended to me and my partners all the more welcome and appreciated. Tech-arts can be a high-capital field, and working with poetry doesn't mitigate that at all.

You can directly support the e-poets network website by making a secure online contribution. How? Just click to donation page. The transaction process is handled by PayPal, but you don't need a PayPal account to drop some bucks on us. Your donation will apply directly to webhosting costs, and won't even get near my wallet.

If you prefer the benefits of tax deductible philanthropy, then support the Northwest Spokenword Lab. The "Northwest SPLAB," as it's called, is a strong US partner for who have volunteered their support of us by extending their umbrella of 501(c)3 non-profit status to cover activities. United States contributors to SPLAB therefore qualify for tax deductions.

gratefully -
- Kurt Heintz, founder
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all rights reserved
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