an explainationIn the early days of the Industrial Revolution, many people found that their skills and education were lacking. People who spent their entire lives in rural places, and were educated with the expectation that such a life would continue indefinitely, began finding themselves in an urban, industrial world. They knew they needed new intellectual tools to deal with the social change. Eduation became key for many who wished to improve their lot. People sought new places to learn. In America, chattauqua meetings began at this time, as did the institution of the lyceum. A lyceum is when a house is taken over for art, culture, and education. A lyceum offers lectures and recitals. People have a chance to learn, explore, and discuss what they've seen. Holding a lyceum is not building a school in the formal sense, but it is a good way to gather like minds to advance the arts and letters. Today, we face a similar situation as our own lives pass from the relative security of industrial institutions to the new, turbulent world of an Information Revolution. Are we equipped to handle the change? If we invest our culture in the new electronic media, how will it be preserved? ... or understood? What do we know of this media and art, and how may we share our knowledge so that we may all enjoy a life richer in the arts? The institution of the lyceum is relevant once again in our post-modern times. As as we explore the new potentials of poetry and electronic media, join us for a weekend in our house of learning. Geoconference 2:
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